Live at City Hall!


Previous events

Oh, muffins, they've rescheduled this meeting FOR THE SPORTS. Because... ???

That nice man from Theatre By The Bay will finally get his chance to speak to Council, only to be ignored by the dudes who think they know how to assess poets, because... ???

Put on your fancy undies, because it's also time for the Q1 Audit, plus taking a look at the Strategic Plan KPIs (spoiler alert: affordable housing KPIs are still ghastly!).

My unfiltered responses:

Well, it's not exactly the Royal Albert Hall, dahrlings, but we make do with what we have, don't we?

Council and Committee meetings are (usually) streamed live on the City's YouTube Channel, so you can watch along with me (either live, or when it's all done and you can fast-forward through the infuriating bits).  A list of all upcoming meetings (plus minutes from prior meetings) is kept at the City's Legistar portal.  Agendas and direct video links for the coming week should be posted there by Wednesday evening (although punctuality is not always the City's forte, especially when they want a chance to complain about "11th hour" correspondence).  I'll do my best to update the calendar in comparatively timely manner.

Never fear, the Scribe is here!